C++ 2017
Wahooo!!! C++ 17 has now been published as an ISO standard!! I haven't used C++ for a long time as C# is my daily driver these days. But I will always remember when I moved from C++ to C#, being so much more productive as the language was a more safer environment and there was less things you had to worry about. However, I always try to keep up-to-date with news over in the C++ camp. The C++ language will always have a special place in my heart and I have plenty of war stories and battle scars!. Yes, C++ is an overly complicated language with years of baggage but with every new feature that is added there is less and less sharp bits to impale yourself on. The only thing I would like the standards committee to do is actually remove old/legacy features from the language. And maybe provide a compiler switch to enable them for backwards compatibility. This would mean you have to opt-in to use those legacy features. Unfortunately I don't think this will ever happen. Of course...