
Showing posts from October, 2017

C++ 2017

Wahooo!!! C++ 17 has now been published as an ISO standard!! I haven't used C++ for a long time as C# is my daily driver these days. But I will always remember when I moved from C++ to C#, being so much more productive as the language was a more safer environment and there was less things you had to worry about. However, I always try to keep up-to-date with news over in the C++ camp. The C++ language will always have a special place in my heart and I have plenty of war stories and battle scars!. Yes, C++ is an overly complicated language with years of baggage but with every new feature that is added there is less and less sharp bits to impale yourself on. The only thing I would like the standards committee to do is actually remove old/legacy features from the language. And maybe provide a compiler switch to enable them for backwards compatibility. This would mean you have to opt-in to use those legacy features. Unfortunately I don't think this will ever happen. Of course...

INotifyPropertyChanged & Fody

We all know what the INotifyPropertyChanged interface does. It can be used to raise an event when a property of a class changes. Then in another section of code we can subscribe to these events and perform certain actions based on the application needs. It's all very cool but also old hat and pedestrian. But the thing with this interface is that you can end up writing a lot of boiler plate code! For example, take this simple person class: public class Person { public string FirstName { get; set; } public string LastName { get; set; } public DateTime DateOfBirth { get; set; } } It's nice. It's neat.. All is good with the world. But then you decide you want to be notified when one of the fields in the class is changed, so we introduce the INotifyPropertyChanged interface. Suddenly, for every property we find ourselves expanding the above code like this: private string m_firstName; public string FirstName { get { return m_firstName; } ...