Quick and Easy Analysis of Website AJAX calls using Chrome Net Events
There are times when you need to find out what background "ajax/web endpoint calls" a webpage is making under the covers. As it happens, the other day was one of those times! - I needed to find out which Web Endpoints an internal website was calling over an HTTPS connection. Now, we all know we could use Fiddler or the fantastic Wireshark for analysing network traffic but I didn't have either of these installed on the box I was using. I was just about to install Fiddler when I remembered chrome's internal net events page. Simply open chrome.exe and navigate to: chrome://net-internals/#events . It's like having Fiddler built into the browser. Now, go pack to your web page and perform your action (in my case it was clicking a button). The great thing about this is that it works over SSL/TLS connections which means you don't need to install a SSL certificate to decrypt your traffic. Okay, it's not as powerful as Fiddler or Wireshark , but, if a...